Thursday Night House League

Men’s leagues at the DLCC get 20 regular season games plus entry into the Club Playdowns included in their yearly membership fees. The regular season is split into 4 separate 5-game rounds. At the end of each round points get tallied for Wins and Losses, and then all of the teams get re-seeded into “A” and “B” Group respectively.
Each game will be 8 ends in length and there is a bell at 1 hour and 45 minutes. Once the bell has rung, it signifies to finish the end you are on and play one more. (If the final stone of the end has been released, the end is considered to be finished even if stones are still in motion).
If the score is tied after 8 ends, an extra end shall be played to determine a winner, unless both teams prefer and agree to throw Skip’s stones.
If one team is not ready to play at the start of a draw, after 15 minutes the waiting team shall count 1 point and consider the 1st end to be played. After the first 15 minutes has passed, the waiting team can mark up an additional point and end played for each 10 minute period that passes. After 35 minutes, the game is considered to be defaulted.
Posting Scores
It is the winning team's responsibility to mark-up the result of their game on the Draw sheet posted on the bulletin board. Please indicate by writing a “W” and “L” beside your team and your opponents for the week.
Spares / Defaults
Spares are always encouraged at the DLCC – nobody like to have their game cancelled because their opponent could not field a team. Please do your best and make an effort to always field a team for your games. If you cannot – try and give at least 24 hours notice to your opponents that you will not be able to make it.
During the regular season, there must be at least one regular member on a team to constitute a proper game. However – in the Club Playdowns at the end of the year, there must be at least 2 regular members on a team, otherwise the game will be defaulted. Spares should always play lead whenever possible.
Points are tallied throughout the entire year for all of the evening Men’s leagues. Losses are worth the same amount of points for the entire year but Wins get more valuable each round. This is how they get awarded and calculated:
Round 1 Win |
Round 2 Win |
Round 3 Win |
Round 4 Win |
Loss any Round |
Group “A” |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
4 |
Group “B” |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
3 |
ZONE PLAYDOWN EXCEPTION - if a team has to default a game due to play in a Curl MB-sanctioned event (ex: Regional Playdowns or Provincials), then they will be awarded a half win and the equivalent half points (rounded-up).
The game in question may be rescheduled for another date before the end of the round if both teams would prefer to actually play and get their game in. To inquire about ice-time please contact Brandon. Both teams must agree on a re-schedule or else it will be counted as stated above.
* A team will only qualify for this exception if 3 or more of their regular members are competing and the team is registered / competing at the event under the Deer Lodge Curling Club name.
League Winners
The team with the most points in Round 4 of the season will be declared the Night Winner. If there is a Tie at the end of the round, the first tiebreaker will be Head-to-Head record in the final round, and the second tiebreaker will be total points on the season.
At the end of the regular season, each team is eligible for entry into one of the three playoff events based on their point standings for the year. The 3 events are the Club Championship, President's Cup, and the Consolation Event. A team playing in more than one league is eligible for one entry from each league. Teams are not required to participate in the Club Playdowns, however they must notify the Drawmaster of their decision so that it can be taken into account when scheduling. Winners of each event will be honored at the Men's Wind-Up in April.
Club Championships
The Club Championships event is made-up of the top 16 teams across all Men’s nights. The top 2 teams from each night will qualify automatically (6 teams total), and the remaining 10 spots are awarded based on total points for the season.
A single knockout format is used for this event and teams need to expect to play any night of the week as the Championships start and finish in roughly a 10-day period at the end of March.
* If teams are tied for entry into the Club Championships, the first tiebreaker will be their Round 4 head-to-head record (provided they play on the same night). If not, the second tiebreaker will be total Wins on the season. If teams are still tied, then both will be notified to see if they have a preference on which event they play in, worst case scenario it will be a random draw.
President’s Cup
A single knockout format involving teams with the next highest point totals. Up to 32 teams will qualify for this event depending on the total number of teams registered in the Men’s leagues. If there is an uneven draw, the teams with the highest point totals will be given a “bye” in their first game in order to balance the draw.
Consolation Event
A single knockout format will apply with the remaining teams that did not qualify for the Club Championship or President's Cup. This event has been anywhere from 4 to 8 teams in recent history. It will largely depending on what makes the most sense for balancing the draws in both the President’s Cup and Consolation Event.
Rules for Playdown Events
All Games will be 8 ends with a 1 hour and 45 minute bell. Finals used to be 10 ends, but that was changed a few years ago and now all games in the playdowns shall be 8 ends only.
Spares are allowed in the Playdowns, but there must be at least 2 regular members on a team, otherwise the game will be defaulted. All spares must be registered DLCC members. For the Club Championship Event specifically, spares cannot be from other teams competing in the Club Championship Event.